Free Annual Credit Report gov
There are not too many things in life that are free, but getting a free annual credit report is one of them. Good credit is essential to obtain the credit you will need throughout your lifetime. In today’s troublesome economic climate, it is next to impossible to buy a home or even get one refinanced without a good credit score. So, what is a credit score? A credit score is a compilation of a set of statistics that show a great deal about your credit status and how you have handled your credit over a period of years, months or days.
A credit score can tell lenders a great deal;
- How much credit you have
- How late you may have been on your payments
- If you have missed any payments over the past year
- Any negative reports from creditors
- Any tax liens or court judgments for payment
Free Report
Once per year, anyone should be able to obtain a free copy of their credit report simply by requesting access to the information. One of the most common occurrences regarding a credit report is that not too many of us really think about our credit and how it may impact our lives until we learn that we are having to pay a much higher interest rate than we thought. It is then time to obtain a copy of your credit report and one way is to get a free annual credit report gov, from any one of the top three credit reporting bureaus. These three are;
- Equifax: 1-800-685-1111
- Transunion: 1-800-888-4213
- Experian: 1-888-397-3742
All reports from lenders get logged into at least one of these big three credit reporting bureaus Many lenders will check the credit from all three, although some lenders prefer to do most of their business with one credit bureau, as they understandably develop excellent working conditions with the employees at that bureau. Each one of these credit bureaus can have a different score than the other, although most of the time all three scores are similar.
Getting a copy of your free annual credit report gov ( is something that is free at least once per year in most cases. All one needs to do is to select which one of the three credit bureaus you want and request the information. After your get your free credit report, you can spend some time looking it over for errors. It is not uncommon for there to be errors on your report that is being reported to lenders. These errors can keep you from getting the loan that you need. Go over your report very carefully.
Anything that you do not agree with can be appealed or disputed. Disputes can be done quite easily. If you tell the credit bureau that something is wrong on your report they will conduct an investigation and the problem may be removed. Some people’s names are very similar and this is sometimes where the confusion lies. Another person’s history gets mixed up with yours and the report is inaccurate.
Make sure that you go into good enough detail so that the credit bureau can do a thorough check on your behalf. Getting this free annual credit report gov is one of the best ways to make sure that your credit stays in good shape, so that all of your future credit needs can be taken care of. This is vital in all phases of our lives, if we want to purchase or renovate our homes, take an expensive trip, or to open your own business. It is so important to keep on top of what your report is telling other people.